ASL Marine Holdings Ltd - Annual Report 2015 - page 23

Ang Ah Nui
Deputy Managing Director
Mr AN Ang was appointed an Executive Director of the Company
in October 2000 and Deputy Managing Director in January 2003.
Mr AN Ang, having been with the Group for more than
20 years, has extensive industry knowledge and experience and
is instrumental in seeking new markets for the business. Mr AN
Ang is jointly responsible for the Group’s business strategies
and direction, corporate plans and policies, and for the general
management of the Group’s shiprepair and conversion and
shipchartering operations, including business development and
operations. Mr AN Ang is also the non-executive director of
listed company, Koon Holdings Limited.
Ang Kok Tian
Chairman and Managing Director
Mr KT Ang was appointed an Executive Director of the Company
in October 2000, and Chairman of the Board and Managing
Director in January 2003.
Mr KT Ang has been with the Group for more than 20 years
and has extensive knowledge and experience in the industry
and is instrumental in developing the shipbuilding, shiprepair
and conversion and shipchartering business of the Group.
Mr KT Ang is in charge of the Group’s business strategies and
direction, corporate plans and policies as well as the general
management of the Group. In particular, he is in charge of the
shipbuilding and shiprepair divisions and is responsible for all
aspects of the shipyard’s operations, including estimations,
negotiations and contract finalisation. Mr KT Ang began his
career at Ang Sin Liu Hardware, handling administration,
purchasing and marketing for the company. He graduated from
the National University of Singapore in 1986 where he received
his Bachelor’s Degree in Science.
ASL Marine Holdings Ltd. /Annual Report 2015
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